U.S. Sen. John McCain penned an acid reply last week to Vladimir Putin’s op-ed in the New York Times. Unfortunately, he peddled it to Pravda.ru, thinking the Soviet Union was still in business.
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Pravda.ru is a rather obscure web-only product that covers politics, celebrity and fashion news. It’s not certain which category McCain’s piece was placed under.
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McCain told Russians their leaders, “don’t respect your dignity or accept your authority over them.” Instead, they should have leaders such as we do in the United States. They truly listen to all people, through the NSA.
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Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin may decide to run for a fourth term in 2018. You have to admire that. Controlling the media and launching investigations against political opponents takes a lot of energy for a man of his age.
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With an October deadline looming to keep the federal government going, President Obama may soon be diverting war ships from the Syrian coast to the Potomac.
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Republicans are threatening to shut down the government unless everyone agrees to kill Obamacare. This will happen right after Americans agree to amend the Constitution so that the House becomes the sole governing body in Washington.
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Imagine if the federal government shut down — all those lobbyists and politicians walking the streets, begging for money. Come to think of it, who would notice any difference?
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Syrian President Bashar Assad has apparently agreed, under intense international pressure, that from now on he will kill his people only with conventional bullets and missiles.
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On the other side, rebel leaders are hoping they can shut down the government and bleed it dry through a lack of funding, forcing real change … no, wait, that’s the Republicans.
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Meanwhile, one can’t help reminiscing of the days of Ronald Reagan. By now he would have bombed Syria and then “accidentally” made some joke into an open microphone about how Russia would be next.
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The Associated Press reports that police in Salt Lake uncovered a plot to steal expensive graphing calculators and sell them in other states. Despite their loot, the folks involved apparently miscalculated their chances for success.
Jay Evensen is the associate editor of the Deseret News editorial page. Follow him on Twitter @jayevensen.