Welcome to Thanksgiving week, that wonderful time when children who have been watching too much cable TV will try to impeach Uncle Ted for hogging all the drumsticks.
Remember when Black Friday meant doing more than lying in bed telling Alexa what you want?
Things are getting nasty in Washington. Rumor has it the Thanksgiving turkey may not get pardoned this week. It all depends on whether it squeals like a bird at the impeachment hearings and wants to “gobble” all the publicity.
Actually, the turkey might not get pardoned anyway. There are far too many turkeys running around Washington as it is.
The impeachment hearings mean Americans today have something in common with Americans in 1869, when the House held hearings against President Andrew Johnson, the first such hearings in the nation’s history. The only difference is cable TV ratings were much lower back then.
However, social media was robust in those days, but you had to dress in dinner jackets and hoop skirts, and it could be accessed only at formal parties. Only rarely were people atwitter.
Utah lawmakers say they’re getting close on tax reform. By that, they mean they just found out that portrait photography, photofinishing and dog grooming — three things they had eagerly taken off the list of services to tax — actually have been taxed for years.
The Census Bureau reported last week that Americans are moving less than ever before. That’s bad for moving-van companies. But it’s good for your fitbit, which doesn’t have to count as many steps.
But if we’re not moving, that means we’re staying put and accumulating more stuff, which means an eventual boon for eBay, which would be good for the economy, which would give everyone more useless stuff to accumulate, which means there is such a thing as a perpetual motion machine.