Why is it that the thicker the air gets in Utah the livelier the protesters become? Shouldn’t they stay indoors like the rest of us?
Elsewhere in the country, people talk metaphorically about “running ideas up the flagpole to see if someone salutes.” In Utah, people run ideas up the flagpole to see if anyone can still see them.
Meanwhile, reports say some of the pollution may be drifting here from China. Must be linked to that new trade agreement President Obama is pushing.
Utah lawmakers are scheduled to start their annual session today, but it’s unlikely even their blast of hot air can move an inversion.
Utah Democrats say they are entering the session united. It’s easy to be united when your entire group can fit in a phone booth.
People in South Africa were surprised to discover that the sculptors of a 30-foot statue of Nelson Mandela had secretly inserted a bronze rabbit inside one of the late leader’s ears. Apparently, no one thought it was funny to give a national hero rabbit ears.
Officials now face the challenge of removing the rabbit without damaging the sculpture. Taking a rabbit out of an ear apparently is not the same as pulling one out of a hat.
The artists apparently said the rabbit is their trademark. It also could be a symbol of how hard it will be for them to find work in the future — or in other words, hare today, gone tomorrow.
Justin Bieber decided last week he would like to see what life would be like as a cliché.
The world hasn’t seen a young celebrity acting badly since Miley Cyrus last stepped out of her house.
Bieber’s recent movie is titled, “Believe.” Ironically, that’s what he’s trying to tell his high-paid attorneys right now.
Neiman Marcus now says 1.1 million debit and credit cards used at its stores may have been stolen by hackers. That’s embarrassing — not so much because of the theft but because the chain apparently has so few customers compared to Target.
This may go without saying, but nobody ever stole someone’s identity off a dollar bill.