Yesterday marked the end of Daylight Saving Time for the year. That raises an interesting question. Where does the government store all the daylight it saves?
I'm sure special prosecutor Robert Mueller would like an answer to that question, too. After all, he could use some of it to shine a light on Russian meddling in the 2016 elections.
So now we know Russians used Facebook to try to organize protests on all sides of issues. They tried to foment both pro and anti-Trump demonstrations. Maybe they also wanted to sell concessions at these events to pay for the cost of imprisoning people who try to demonstrate in their own country.
Why is Russia so obsessed with disrupting our nation? Didn't they get the memo about how they lost the Cold War?
A poll by the American Psychological Association found that a majority of Americans feel this is the lowest point in the nation's history. And they were just thinking about the recent Baywatch and Power Ranger movies.
An even higher percentage said they were stressed about the nation's future. And even more people than that said they are stressed by having to answer questions from a pollster.
President Trump said he wants to call the new tax reform bill the "Cut, Cut, Cut Act." That was a compromise between the far right, which wanted the "Cut, Cut, Cut, Cut Act," and moderates who wanted the "Cut, Cut Act."
In true Washington fashion, special interests are heading to Capitol Hill to change it to the, "Cut, Cut, Cut Someone Else Act."
If Washington was forced to always tell the truth, the bill would be named the, "Cut A Little Here, Raise A Little There, Pass It First And Then See What's In It Act."
Republicans in Congress want to simplify taxes so much you could file your returns on a postcard. The president wants to go a step further, making it so could file your returns in a tweet.