The Salt Lake area received more than 3.5 inches of rain in May alone, and nearly 11 inches so far this spring. Now I understand why the government is considering letting astronauts land here later this year. This is becoming the perfect place for a splashdown.
Now that June is here, however, it might be a good time to open your coin purses and leave them on your lawn. The experts say to expect change in the weather.
It’s OK if you don’t have a coin purse. You can always hope for a rain check.
If one thing is clear in Washington these days, it is that no one should come dressed as John McCain to the White House this Halloween.
The New York Times says the White House ordered the Navy to hide the destroyer John S. McCain while the president recently visited Japan, so its name wouldn’t appear in photographs. The president attributed the decision to a “well meaning” subordinate and said he knew nothing about it.
Aren’t modern politics so much nastier than in the past? Just imagine what would have happened if, say, Franklin Roosevelt had removed the name of a political rival from some big project like a dam or something … near Boulder City, Nevada, for instance.
Congress finally named the Nevada structure Hoover Dam in 1947, reversing FDR’s unofficial “Boulder Dam” moniker. But anyone who has lived in Nevada will tell you the name still depends on your party affiliation. Trump could end that controversy, you know, by buying the whole thing and turning it into a Trump Hotel.
Robert Mueller is one person who won’t be allowed to stay at a Trump Hotel any time soon. Last week he said the Justice Department prohibits him from charging a sitting president, but that the Constitution provides a different remedy, a word he wouldn’t mention that begins with an “i”. Hmm. Judging by the president’s reaction, that word must be “Insult.”