A 6-year-old girl in Dallas was playing recently near her family’s Amazon Echo. She mentioned that she really wanted a dollhouse and some cookies. Guess what showed up the next morning in a delivery van, and guess what her parents’ credit card looked like. Amazon may want to add a nickname to these popular devices at its next board meeting: “Recession-proof.”
To make matters worse, when a TV reporter quoted the girl saying, “Alexa ordered me a dollhouse,” it woke up Alexas in homes all across the viewing area, and they tried buying dollhouses. If you think Russian spying is bad, wait until Alexa starts casting votes.
This is inauguration week, when we finally get to see just how uncomfortable the Obamas and Trumps can be as they ride to the Capitol.
What would that conversation be like? “Don’t worry, Donald, if we get in an accident, you still would be covered under Obamacare, at least until noon.”
Donald Trump still wants to make Mexico pay for a new border wall. And when he’s done with that, maybe he can get the Spanish to finally pay for replacing the USS Maine and the British to pony up for repairing all the damage that White House fire caused in 1814.
No one knows for sure how much influence Russia will have over the new president, but the other day I saw a guy trip over a crack in the sidewalk and exclaim, “Thanks, Putin!”
Maybe the new administration can cut a deal with Russia. We’ll drop the sanctions against them, and they’ll finally let our 1972 Olympic basketball team get gold medals.
Actress Meryl Streep was on a roll during her anti-Trump acceptance speech at the Golden Globes until she said football and mixed martial arts aren’t art. Maybe she’s right, but no one ever paid $4 million for a 30-second spot on something called “the Super Bowl of painting and sculpting.”