New England Quarterback Tom Brady cut a press conference short last week after reporters asked him about his relationship with Donald Trump. “I don’t even know what the issues are,” Brady has said, explaining that he doesn’t follow politics. But that’s hardly relevant, considering the same could be said of Trump.
Russian President Vladimir Putin last week praised Donald Trump as an “absolute leader.” He also called him "an outstanding and talented personality." It seems everyone is angling to be Trump’s running mate.
Apparently, Putin was just reacting to Trump’s promise to comp him some drinks next time he’s at Trump Towers in Las Vegas.
Actually, being endorsed by the leader of Russia can be embarrassing, even if he could help you ban Muslims and kill the families of terrorists.
Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, meanwhile, apparently has been using his personal email account for official government business. First Hillary Clinton, and now Ashton Carter. Maybe someone should check to see whether the government’s IT guy is a surly computer geek everyone just wants to avoid.
In Carter’s defense, the last place the nation’s enemies would think to look for state secrets is Hotmail.
Carter was using his personal email account even after news broke about Hillary Clinton’s use of personal emails as secretary of state. This is what happens when people stop reading newspapers and watching newscasts. Hillary’s problems apparently never showed up on Carter’s Facebook feed.
In that sense, Carter was following the lead of the millennial generation, which seems clueless of current events. In fact, the Federal Reserve decided last week to raise interest rates for the first time in nine years, but millennials still had no interest.
The government’s North American Aerospace Defense Command is getting set to track Santa’s journey from the North Pole this week. Getting an exact location will be a little harder this year now that the NSA no longer can tap the big guy’s cell phone.