Americans spend about $8 billion a year on cosmetics, and nearly $17 billion on cosmetic surgeries, mostly to make themselves look younger. Then as soon as someone comes up with an app that shows how they will look when old and withered, they flock to it.
FaceApp is a popular new phone application that will show you how you might look years from now. Curiously, not many people over 60 are using it. They already have the before and after photos.
FaceApp also is owned by a Russian company. Critics warn it may do more than just age the photos in your phone. It may be part of a larger plot to destroy the country. But who cares about that when we’re having so much fun?
The Berkeley City Council decided to rewrite the English language last week, removing all references to gender. Manholes now are “maintenance holes.” Manmade is “artificial.” He and she are to be replaced with the oddly plural “they.” All I can say is, person oh person, what a theystoric decision!
Last Saturday marked the 50th anniversary of the day every complaint about an inferior product or service would forever more begin with, “We can put a man on the moon, but …”
Also, this is the day, 172 years ago, when pioneers first entered the Salt Lake Valley and heard those famous words, “If we could just get one more good free agent, this is the place of a future NBA championship.”
The U.S. military claimed it shot down an Iranian drone in the Strait of Hormuz last week, not too many days after Iran shot down a U.S. drone. The American drone was a sophisticated and expensive piece of equipment. Iran, on the other hand, was irritated to lose its drone so soon after Prime day had ended.
Not only that, it’s irritating to have to keep asking the Ayatollah for his Amazon password.